The Sinai School in Paraguay has completely run out of space. You can help build new classrooms so children who are left behind because of COVID-19 can return to school—safely.

Just $34.60 builds one square foot of the new classrooms, including all materials, labour, paint and furniture. Can you help?

Most parents at the Sinai School are poor and worry about the future of their family. They know that without going to school, their children will have few options in life.

The pandemic has only increased the pressure on these families to try to build a better future for their children. They are desperate for the Sinai School to give their children a place in school.

You can make that happen.

The school has approached us with a plan to build more classrooms. The addition will create enough space for the school to take in at least another 100 boys and girls.

Can you help?

The permits and plans are approved. And the community is ready. They have committed to provide volunteer labour. Yes, they are poor and have very little disposable income — but they are strong and energic. Most of all, they are proud people.

The cost may surprise you.

While it can easily cost over $180 to $250 per square foot to build anything in Canada, we can build the new classrooms for just $34.60 per square foot — and that includes everything: labour, materials, electrical, paint, and even the furniture. 

Help build extra classrooms so children living in poverty can get off the streets and into a classroom to get a quality, Christ-centred education.


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