Making space for 100 new students!

Thanks to an outpouring of generosity, new classrooms at the Sinai school in Paraguay are almost complete!

The new classrooms will welcome more than 100 new students to the school. These classrooms are going to make a huge impact for the children and families in the community of San Lorenzo. An impact that will be felt by future generations!

In fact, right now 100 boys and girls are on the waitlist at the Sinai school. These boys and girls desperately want to go to school. There simply hasn’t been enough room for more students at the school. A heartbreaking reality for children who so badly want to learn and grow. 

Amira is one of the students at the Sinai school. Every morning, as Amira heads off to school, her little sister watches longingly. She wants to join her—and she should be able to. She’s old enough and she’s ready. But there is no room for Amira’s little sister in the school.

There are 99 other boys and girls like Amira’s little sister who want to receive a quality education at the Sinai school but can’t go because there hasn’t been enough room for them.

But the amazing generosity of kind hearted Canadians has made it possible for 100 new spaces to be created at the school! We are so grateful for the people who said “Yes!” to helping the children and families of San Lorenzo.

We are so excited to see how the classrooms will look when they are completed. It won’t be long now!

At Generation Rising, we partner with Christian schools and make sure children from the poorest families receive the highest quality education. We sponsor students, train teachers and build schools. Children at Generation Rising partner schools are taught by teachers who love Christ and who share that amazing love with their students.