Help Avoid Budget Cuts This Summer!

Budget cuts = fewer resources, reduced staff, and less support for the children who rely on these schools as a safe haven and a place of hope.

We are currently facing a shortfall of $75,000 to support our partner schools during the summer months and can really use your support!

Why Your Support is Crucial:

  • While Canadian children eagerly count the days until summer break, children in Latin America are only halfway through their school year.
  • July and August are typically our slowest months for donations, and we are already facing a critical shortfall before the summer months begin.

Summer is always the hardest time of the year financially for organizations like ours. The need goes up. Income goes down.


How Your Support Has Already Made an Impact:

  • Providing Quality Education: Thousands of kids have received a quality, Christ-centered education!
  • Student Sponsorships: Hundreds of students have been sponsored, giving them a chance at a brighter future.
  • Building New Classrooms: New classrooms have been built, allowing our partner schools to provide more children in need with a safe and nurturing environment.

Your faithfulness has shown tangible evidence of God's ability to provide.

Can We Rely on You Once Again?

As we navigate the upcoming months, your support is more critical than ever. With your help, we can bridge this gap and continue to provide education, hope, and a future to children and their communities.