Sponsor a Child
Provide a Scholarship to a child to open the doors to a brighter future.

When You Stand in the Gap as a Sponsor
At Generation Rising, we prioritize transparency in managing sponsorship funds. Every dollar is carefully allocated to ensure maximum impact for the children we serve.
A Christian education
Dedicated Christian teachers
After-school help and tutoring
Experience sports, art, music and field trips
Sponsor a Child

Ariel Areco
Walk Alongside a Child!
You will receive a photo and information of the children receiving the scholarship plus bi-annual reports and annual photos.
You'll also have the opportunity to:
Write to the child and their family
Pray for the child
Visit your child on a Generation Rising learning trip or we will help you visit on your own.

Explore our sponsorship options and see how you can change a child's life.
Gives them a quality, Christian Education
Preparing them for school by making sure they have a uniform and textbooks
Equipping their teachers through teacher training
Helping develop the school and the community
For many families, school is a luxury. While they long for their child to have a better start than they did, many just don’t have the financial resources to make sure their child goes to school. They are required to contribute to the school—either through small school fees or volunteering.
We welcome your support and the relationship you will build with the child you are supporting. The children love receiving letters and small gifts (we’ll send some things in our regular mail that will be easy to send).
Basically, we ask that you keep the letter short and friendly. Because we have to translate it for the child, it is best is the letter is clearly written. Some ideas to write about are:
Tell the child about your family. Maybe you could add a photo to the letter.
Tell them about Canada, especially the seasons. Most children have never seen snow! And your letters help them understand more about other countries.
Ask them about their family.
Remind them that you think about them and are praying for them.
Encourage them in their studies.
Consider adding a gift. Small gifts that fit into an envelope are ideal. Children love stickers, photos, small booklets and bookmarks.
Send your gifts to Generation Rising. We will translate them and make sure your child receives them. The letters will take up to two months to get to the child as postal systems in Latin America are slow.
The best way to send a gift is to make a donation to Generation Rising with the specific request to give your child a gift. Our team at the school will purchase a gift that matches the need of the family and child. Shipping packages overseas is expensive and they can get lost.
We encourage you to visit the child, their school and family! It’s an experience you will never forget. Let us know at least 3 months before your departure date and we will help you coordinate your visit. You can contact us.
You can also visit the child and their family by joining us on an annual learning trip.
We understand there are situations that mean you can no longer provide a scholarship for a child. We ask that you contact us at least 2 weeks before your monthly payment. It’s important that the child does not lose their place at the school; we will make sure they are supported until we find a new supporter to fund the scholarship.
We celebrate every graduation! We will notify you once they have graduated. With your permission, we will also send the information of another student from the school who needs funding.
If you have more questions or require more information, please don’t hesitate to email us at hello@genrising.org or call us at (204) 415-6836.
Want to Send Your Sponsor Child a Special Greeting on Their Birthday?
Download and print out one of the letter templates below, fill it out with your special greeting and send it back to us.
We'll get your letter translated and sent off to your sponsor child for their birthday.